Monday 27 April 2015

Layout research

The second book that I looked at for some help with layouts was a book about printing called 'Print workshop.' I initially was drawn to it because the drawing style is very similar to mine. This book has very nice simplistic layouts and lovely illustrations. I liked on page in particular because it used the edge of the page really well. I thought I would keep this page in mind when planning my layouts. Here is the book cover and the page that I thought worked well. 

Layout Research

I wanted to get some inspiration for what my book should look like and how to lay it out well. I headed down to the library and picked out some books that looked really nice and fit in with the style that I wanted my book to be like.  The first book that I picked out is called 'My even more wonderful world of fashion.' It fit in perfectly with the style of my book and it really helped get ideas for my layouts. The bold black lines and use of space worked really well. I also really liked the style of typography and the different fonts that are used together. Here are a few pages that helped me out a lot.