Thursday 7 May 2015

Andy Warhol Research

I wanted to include a diverse group of artists in my book so I thought it would be good to put Andy Warhol in as he created pop art which is very different to all of the other art styles in the book. He also is known for drawing products rather than images that tell a story so I thought that would be interesting too. 

Born: August 6, 1928

Died: February 22, 1987
Movement: Pop Art

  • Andy Warhol got banned from art club when he was in secondary school because he was better than all of the other students.
  • Theres a 5 minute video of him eating hamburger on youtube.
  • As well as creating art Andy Warhol owned a nightclub, produced music and had a TV show for MTV called Andy Warhol's 15 minutes. 
  • Andy Warhol drew products rather than people so he had a lot of commercial jobs working for big companies. 
  • His most famous and most recognisable piece of art work is probably the Campbell's Soup tin painting. 
  • Andy Warhol's name was originally Andy Warhola but he dropped the 'A' when he became famous. 
  • He was one of the leading pioneers in the pop art movement.
  • He had a  nose job because he hated the way his nose looked. 
  • Andy Warhol wore grey/silver wigs and eventually he died his hair the colour of his wigs. 
  • he once got told he had a lazy eye so he decided to start wearing blacked out glasses with a pin hole in them to hide his eyes. 

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