Tuesday 14 January 2014

The book of drawings: Binding disaster

Binding the book was a bit of a disaster and proved to be the hardest challenge i have had within this project, I think a few different things contributed to this. One issue that i has was making a book with joints so i could include a pop up page. This ruled out a lot of easy binding techniques so i had to think of a way to bind it. I decided that it would work folding the book in the style of a zine but using a larger sheet of paper. in the end i got a A1 sheet of watercolour paper and folded it into the right shape. I thought this would have worked because it was a pretty simple technique but the paper turned out to be too bulky and it looked a bit messy at the edges. 

I then had to think of how to fix it to make it look better. I tried scanning the images in and printing them off on A4 paper then sowing them together. This idea didn't work because a lot of the colours got lost, i spent a week trying to get the colour and computer settings right but i just couldn't seem to do it. Every colour setting that i tried seemed to make everything grey and murky as of there was a layer of fog over it. I think if i was to do this id need a longer time to learn how to use colour settings properly.

i had to completely re think how i was going to bind it last minuet as nothing that i tried worked. i decoded to use the original one that i painted the images onto. I cut off the edges to try and get them as straight as possible and a sowed all around the pages so they all joined together. Although i cut all of the edges perfectly correct when i sowed them up they didn't line up. i think the pages look nice when they are open the only issue is when the book is closed as all of the edges aren't the same. 

Although i am pleased with how all of the drawings look, i am pretty disappointed with how the binding turned out as it didn't line up properly and it looked a bit messy. I just don't think i had the practical skills or experience in binding a book and i had a bit of a panic and i had to make do with what i had. This has been a learning experience for me because i finished everything in time it was just the binding and presentation of the book that i had a problem with. I have learnt for the future to not do a pop up style book as it is quite difficult and think through a binding technique that will work better and look neater.  

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