Thursday 3 April 2014

Cecilia Alfonso Esteves

I was looking through the book 'Little Big Books' for help with research. I came across an artist called Cecilia Alfonso Esteves she creates collage pieces for children's books. Her work is really pretty and simplistic but still effective. I especially love the colour palettes used throughout her work. 
Esteves work is created by putting cut out paper shapes together to create images and scenes, sometimes her work is flat 2D and other times her images are made with 3D components and then photographed. I thought that looking at these would help inspire my own project because i am using simple cut out characters in my images and also because i am going to be photographing my final images. I also thought that her images of scenery and backgrounds might help to inspire my work as i still have to work out most of the scenery within my illustrations. although i am planning on using real life backgrounds these images might help me decide on what to have in the backgrounds. here are a few of her images that i really like.

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