Wednesday 9 April 2014

Artist research: Slinkachu

As i am photographing my illustrations i decided to look at the photo artist slinkachu (thank you too whoever left the suggestion on my desk.) Slinkachu creates images using tiny figurines of people photographed in different scenario's. The greatest thing about his images is that he incorporates real life surroundings/things found in the street and uses them as the scenery/backgrounds of his images. Its great because close up the image looks like the background is a built set but when you see images that have been taken from further away you can see how tiny the figures are and its incredible.
  I hope to do a similar thing with my drawings so looking at his work has really inspired me and helped me out with how i will photograph my work. Here are a few of my favourites. 

The tiny people from the image above this one are here ^

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