Tuesday 13 May 2014

Module 2 Evaluation

During this module i have learnt a lot about my own process in creating narrative illustration. I have found that with time management it is better to spread out the work load rather than doing a lot of work in a short amount of time. From this i have learned that i would benefit from making a proper work plan and setting myself smaller personal deadlines to make sure i keep up with the workload. I think that i managed my time to a reasonable standard, however following a proper time plan would have allowed me to have finish well ahead of the deadline, allowing more time to reflect on my work. I would have also had more time to annotate and research in more detail as my written work possibly suffered. 

With regards to character development i feel as though i could have done a lot more although i didn't have many characters within my story. Another thing that contributed to the lack of development was the simplicity of the illustrations. I wanted my illustrations to be simple as i feel that if i over complicated them it wouldn't work as well for the photographic technique i was using. I feel as though i did all of the development that was necessary for me to complete the project but it was not done to the extent that it probably could have been. 

Overall i was pleased with the final images and the final outcome of the book. I was happy because i was working in a way that was completely different to anything i had done before. and the whole process ran smoothly which is quite unusual for me as i usually have a few mishaps along the way.  

If i was to re do this module there are a few things that i would do differently such as:

  •  More character development.
  • Improve the layouts of my pages as some of the image became slightly stretched and distorted.
  • I would maybe include more text as i only included a small amount of narrative and it could possibly be quite hard to follow if you don't know the storyline.   

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