Tuesday 24 March 2015

Beatrix Potter research

As I am struggling to find famous woman artists from the past that are appropriate to include in a book for a young person, I decided to branch a little bit into illustration, as it is still relevant and woman illustrators from history played a large part in shaping the future of the art and illustration industry. I also thought that younger people would like to have someone such as Beatrix Potter in this book as they will most likely remember reading her stories from their childhood and they will be able to relate to her and her art.

Born: 28th July 1866, South Kensington London
Died: 22nd December 1943
Movement: Illustration 

  • Beatrix and her brother Bertram kept small animals as pets. They had mice, rabbits and even a hedgehog! These were the inspirations for her stories. 
  • Beatrix potter is most known for creating her cute illustrated children's books featuring talking animals. Her most famous book is probably The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  
  • Nature fascinated Beatrix, Her love of nature was inspired by the yearly trips that she took to the lake district with her family. 
  • Before Beatrix potter was took on by a publishing house she privately printed the first edition of her book The Tale Of Peter Rabbit.
  • Beatrix was a very smart business woman and she created merchandise to go alongside her books. She created Peter Rabbit dolls, board games and wallpapers along with other things. 
  • Beatrix owned a lot of land including sixteen farms and over four hundred achers of land!  when she died she left all of her property to the national trust.  
  • Beatrix Potters books are still so popular that on average four of her books are sold every single minute. 
  • The Tale of Peter Rabbit has never been out of print since it was first published.

Image Taken from: http://www.greatthoughtstreasury.com/author/beatrix-potter

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