Thursday 19 March 2015

Frida Kahlo Activity page

When thinking about what kind of activity page to create for Frida Kahlo the idea came to me to create a drawing of Frida with a flower crown that could be finished off by the person reading the book. This activity seemed very fitting as Frida Kahlo wore a lot of pretty floral headwear.

 I started off with a drawing that I had previously done but not used. I then opened it up in photoshop and erased the flower crown and started off a new one to give the reader a bit of an idea of what to do. I also decided to keep the drawing as line work only so the reader can also choose to colour in the image their self if they choose too. I then finally added a title to the page and text to inform the reader of the instructions of the activity. Overall I am happy with how this activity Page turned out and I will follow a similar format with my other activity pages but I will change the activity making it appropriate to the artist that it relates too. 

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