Thursday 19 March 2015

Leonardo Da Vinci Research

Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most well known painters in the world. As well as being a highly talented painter he was extremely clever and first invented a lot of things that we use every day such as helicopters and bicycles.  

Born: April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy
Died: May 2, 1519
Movement: High Renaissance

  • Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the best known painters in the world with his legendary works including the Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man an the Last Supper.
  • Da Vinci wrote in the opposite direction to normal meaning that if you wanted to read it you would need a mirror. 
  • He was obsessed with Anatomy of the human body and became an expert by creating hundreds of  drawings of human bodies.
  • Da Vinci was not only a painter he was also an inventor, scientist, mathematician, engineer, writer,musician and much more. He was very, very talented.    
  • There are a lot of theories surrounding Da Vinci's painting 'Mona Lisa.' for example some people believe that it is actually a self portrait.
  • According to face recognition software the Mona Lisa is 83% happy, 9% Disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry.
  • Da Vinci first invented many things such as a parachute, a helicopter, a diving suit, a giant crossbow, the bicycle and many many other things. 
  • Leonardo Da Vinci was very tall, his height was 6 foot 4 and a half !

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