Thursday 19 March 2015

Georgia O'Keffee Research

Georgia O'Keffee could be known as one of the most significant artists from the 20th century, she is most known for painting large bright beautiful flowers. She was determined to live out her dream of becoming a painter.She achieved her dream and her career spanned for more than 60 years and even her failing eye sight didn't stop her from creating art.  

Born: November 15, 1887 In Wisconsin, United States
Died: March 6, 1986 In Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Movements: American Modernism

  • Georgia O'Keffee lived until she was 98 years old.
  • She made over 200 paintings of flowers. 
  • as she got older, O'Keffee started to loose her vision so she stopped painting but she continued to make drawings and pottery. 
  • She knew that she wanted to be an artist from a very young age and would not stop until she achieved her goal. 
  • When she was at school everyone loved her drawings. 
  • her painting 'Jimson Weed/White Flower No 1' Sold for 28 million pounds, making it the highest ever priced painting done by a woman. 
  • she loved to paint flowers in a very large scale so that people could appreciate their beauty more. 
Image taken from:

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