Monday 30 September 2013

September 30th: Reportage

Today I went out on a few different locations and did some reportage drawing. Here are a few of my favourite sketches

 I drew the view from outside of the window first. I experimented with using dots of ink for the leaves, I really like how it turned out because although it is one block colour the tree still looks like it has depth.

After university I went for a coffee in town. I didn't have my sketch book or a pen so I took some napkins and borrowed a pen from the man behind the counter. I decided to draw the tables and chairs outside then drew some from inside. The drawings aren't the best because i found it quite hard to draw on tissue paper. I still like these drawings though, I think they tell more of a story than the other drawings in my sketchbook. 

Later on that night I went shopping in Asda and decided to draw as I was walking around. I just used biro pen in my sketch book. I actually like how it looks because I think it shows the fast movement that is often found in a supermarket.

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