Monday 14 October 2013

Animals and creatures artist research: Oliver Jeffers

Whilst doing artist research, I decided that I wanted to look into some artists that create more fun animal drawings with more character.  I started to think about children’s book illustrators as they often have that style.  
I then decided to look at some animal drawings from Oliver Jeffers children’s books because I really like them.

The first image I chose is a moose from the book 'this moose belongs to me.' I chose it because I love the warm colours that have been used, they give the image more of a nostalgic, vintage feel. I also like how little detail has been used it gives the moose more of a fun friendly look, I think I prefer that over a realistic look.

The second image I have chosen is a water colour of a whale for the book 'Stuck.' I chose this image because i like the simplicity of it. It is clear what the image is without lots of detail. I really like the water colour marks it has I think it fits really well as it gives the whale a more sea like look.

I last image that I wanted to include is an orangutan also from the book 'stuck.' I like the colours used in this image. I also like the scribbley crayon like lines, I think they give the drawing a great fun texture.

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