Thursday 17 October 2013

Lino printing

On tuesday i got an induction on how to use the printing press. I created some lino prints so i could learn how to use it properley. I have done lino cutting in the past so i knew that i would enjoy it. I decided to start off with a small test lino print to refresh my mind and see how it would work out. I decided to do an octopus tentacle because i thought the effect would work well for it. i enjoyed cutting it out although it was quite fiddly to do the little circles. In the end i really like how it turned out. The first print wasn't that good because i used a spoon to print the image so the print isn't that even. The second image was done on the printing press so it is much better.

I  decided that i really liked the look of this technique so i decided to see if i could incorporate it into some of my final images. I decided to do a whale head and a full set of octopus tentacles i was really happy with how they turned out. I decided to print out the whale heads in blue and black to see what i liked best. The prints are below. In the end i decided not to use these on my final images because it didnt look good with the other techniques that i was using.

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