Wednesday 26 March 2014

"Eww! I hate strawberry"

I started drawing the girl character from my story. In the story the girl throws an ice cream into the bin. I decided to use a pink and white colour scheme to make her different from the unicorn. I decided to make the ice cream yellow and pink so when it is on the ponies head it will look like a unicorn horn. 

I then had to work out how to make the ice cream look like it was been thrown away. I wanted to have the girl throwing the ice cream behind her. To get an idea of how to draw it I asked someone to pose as if they were throwing the ice cream. This helped me to draw the correct position. I then made a speech bubble that says 'eww! I hate strawberry' I will hang this in the background of the image using clear wire. I also made an image of the ice cream flying through the air that I will also hang behind the girl to make it look like it is being thrown into the bin. 

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