Sunday 9 March 2014

I won the Great British Bake off!! (sort of)

I decided to do a little post about last week as it was a little but different to most weeks So yeah as the week was just going on as 'normal' (if you can ever have normal on our course) and it got to Wednesday and because my teachers are a little bit crazy they had set up something called the 'Great Illustration Bake off.' This was where my class went and baked cakes and decorated them to match the illustrations that we are currently working on, It was so fun!! Our team made vanilla cup cakes and it was very messy to say the least. There was cake mix and icing sugar EVERYWHERE!! so yeah we all got on with decorating our cakes. I decided to make an ice cream cone unicorn horn because there is one in the story that i am illustrating! i was basing it off the little sketch that i had previously done as part of character development below :) 

I used pink icing that i had made for the ice cream, and put an ice cream cone on top of it. Okay so it wasn't the most complicated of designs but I WON!!!  I think it was because i had thought a but more outside of the box instead of just drawing a design onto the top of the cake. Everyones designs were really good and it was a lovely fun little afternoon. So yeah i didn't win anything physically but it was nice anyway. Here are some pictures of the finished cake and some other photos from the day.

The winning cake!! MMM

Me with my cake!

The lovely class with all of our cup cake creations 

Overall it was a really good afternoon and it was great to do something that was creative in a different way for a but of a change. 

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