Thursday 12 February 2015

Pablo Picasso research

Pablo Picasso was a great artist from a very young age. I feel as though he will be good to include in the book because it will make children realise that they can achieve things at a young age. Picasso also had a very interesting life and there are lots of facts fun about him to include. I also included a photo of Picasso 

Born: October 25, 1881 in Málaga, Spain
Died: April 8, 1973 in Mougins, France
Movement: Surrealism, Cubism

  • Picasso's had an incredibly long name, it was: Pablo Diego José Francisco De Paula Nepomuceno María De Los Remedious Cipriano De La Santisima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz Y Picasso.
  • His first ever word was pencil. Well he was Spanish so technically his first word was 'Piz' which is short for 'Lápiz,' the Spanish word for pencil.
  • Picasso completed his first proper painting at the age of 9. It was entitled 'Le Picacor' and it depicted a man riding a horse in a bull fight. 
  • Pablo Picasso's farther trained him as a painter from the age of 7.
  • He sometimes painted other famous artists paintings but in his own style.
  • Some of Picasso's paintings are amongst the most expensive in the world. 
  • Picasso did not only paint, he also created Ceramic and bronze sculptors, drawings, etchings and even poetry! 
  • When Picasso first began to paint he had a very realistic style but his style evolved into a more abstract, surreal style. 
  • Picasso created the Cubism style where the subject of the painting would be drawn using lots of different shapes. These paintings looked a bit like they had been cut up into different shapes and glued back together. 
  • Picasso sometimes burnt his own paintings to keep his room warm. 

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