Tuesday 17 February 2015

Salvador Dali Development

I started off drawing Salvador Dali by looking at photos and old videos that he was in. I liked that he always seemed to be pulling funny faces on most of the photos that I found of him. I wanted to capture these poses in the drawing that I did of him. I started off with a few sketches, as soon as I decided what I wanted the drawing to look like I took it into photoshop and completed it digitally.  

Initial sketches 
When I was happy with my initial sketches I scanned in the drawing that i wanted to used and cleaned it up in photoshop. I changed the levels to make the whites white rather than cream and the blacks more black.

I then started to build up layers of colour until I was happy. I started off with a solid base colour for the skin tone. 

 I then added shading to the cheeks and coloured the eyes and lips.
I then proceeded to colour in the hair and clothing I stuck with darkish grey colours as I feel this worked as a nice masculine  colour scheme.

 To complement the dark green eyes and add a pop of colour I coloured the tie in burgundy. I think this worked out quite well with the rest of the image. I then decided that the image looked a bit strange and realised it was because there was no shading on the neck so I coloured it a bit darker than the face colour. I think that this worked out well and finished off the image nicely.

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