Tuesday 3 February 2015

Research: Children's Art Books

I decided it would be beneficial for me to search for art information books that have already been made for children as there are already a few out there. I came across one book called Children's Book of Art, This book goes through all the different art periods and also has a small amount of information on artists. It was quite helpful to see how this book had handled the topic and the age group. It seemed very basic and didn't spend too long on each artist, I liked what it did say about the artists and I will have similar things in my book but I aim to go into more detail about the artists. I think that the page layouts work well for thus type of book but i would like to create a more creative overall look to the book, to keep with the creative theme. I also think this will make the book look more interesting. here is the book cover and a spread from that book. 

I also came across a children's book series that explains 13 different things that children should know about, for example there is a 13 artists children should know, 13 buildings children should know, 13 woman artists children should know etc. These books but they sound as though they are along the lines of the style of book that I want to create. I have found a few photos from the internet of the inside of one of these books. In my opinion these books look very informative for children but I think that the font styles and layouts are very boring and un inspiring for a child to read. Here are some photos from the 13 artists children should know book. 

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