Friday 30 January 2015

Frida Kahlo research

For my First female artist I decided to look into Frida Kahlo as she is one of the only female artists that most people will know. She has had a very interesting life so I thought that there would be lots of impressive information and facts about her that younger people would be inspired by. I watched a full length documentary to get a full timeline of her life and to make sure that the facts I had were correct. Here are some of the facts that I found interesting. I have also included a photograph of Kahlo and a self portrait that she created. 

Full Name: Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón
Born: July 6, 1907,  Coyoacán Mexico 
Died: July 13, 1954 (age 47)
Movement: Magic realism, Surrealism, Modern art

  • At the age of 6 Frida got polio, resulting in one of her legs being thinner than the other.
  • When she was young Frida wanted to break the stereotype of being a girl so she would dress like a boy and play boys sports such as wrestling and boxing.
  • At 19 years old Kahlo was in a serious bus accident, the bus collided with a street car. As a result of this collision Kahlo was impaled by a metal hand rail, it went into one side of her hip all the way through and came out the other side. She also suffered many other injuries including fractures in her spine and a crushed foot.
  • After the accident she spent a lot of time in a body cast and she was bed ridden. She would paint to occupy her time. 
  • She has a trademark unibrow that gave her a very distinctive look. She painted it in all of her self portraits.
  • When Kahlo grew up she wore lots of Jewellery covered in bright bold jewels, and big flamboyant flowers in her hair. She had a very individual look that made her very interesting to look at.
  • The house she was born in was called the 'Blue house.'
  • She married fellow artist Diego Rivera in 1940. They stayed together but had a vary turbulent relationship. He had an affair with her sister and other women, Kahlo also had a few affairs.
  • When Kahlo was 37 her health started to deteriorate and her back became very weak she wore many plaster braces that she would paint and decorate with bright patterns and shapes. 
  • At 47 Kahlo passed away as a result of her ill health in the 'Blue house' that she was born in.

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