Monday 12 January 2015

Oranges are not the only fruit: back cover

I decided that I wanted to use the same lined paper on the back cover of 'oranges are not the only fruit' as I did on the front. I also decided to keep the same style that I did the authors name for the back cover quote, I feel as though this ties the back and front cover together. 
 This is the back cover with only the quote. The next step is to add the blurb and anything else that has to be included on the back cover.  
 I then thought about how I wanted the font of the actual blurb, I decided that It would be good if I could use my own hand writing as I did for the front of the book. I created my own font and then typed up the blurb. I think this worked out quite well because it looks like someone has just wrote it on the lined paper, this is the look that I was going for because it ties in with the story quite well as the mother in the story writes Janette a lot of notes. 

 I then added the other quote I wanted to do this in a different font yet again just so it was clear that it was not part of the blurb. I think it adds balance to the page and makes it look more interesting because there are different styles of type to look at. 

After looking at the back page I decided that it looked too top heavy, The bottom would be slightly cut off anyway because of the template provided by penguin but there was still too much blank space. To combat this I decided to draw some little doodle style motifs using subjects covered in the story, I think it worked out well and gave a few more clues to what the book is about without having to read the blurb.

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