Monday 12 January 2015

Photographing my Carrie's War cover: Front page

The front cover photo was harder to get right compared to the front cover as it was hard to light the image correctly as the house couldn't be too dark as the detail would be lost. This took a lot of trial and error, here are the photos that we started with. (they are slightly wonky but the final image wont be)

 This was the first photo that we took, the lighting was completely off and there was all sorts of shadows being cast on the house so the lights had to be re positioned to eliminate this issue. Another problem with this image is the tree positions, they are too far away from each other so there is huge visible gaps between them.  

 The previously issue was now resolved and I tried photographing the scene with the title in the photo. I didn't like how this looked because it was hard to see the title. I took the title off and decided that I would add it later in photoshop. 

 This was getting closer but was still slightly too dark and a lot of the house detail was being lost. Also the top of the image was blurred and out of focus.

This is the image that I decided to work with in the end because the detail in the house was nicely visible.  The front trees are not as dark as I would have liked them to be but I couldn't get the trees dark and the house light because they were quite close together. I think once this image is edited in photoshop it will work out how I want it to. 

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