Saturday 3 January 2015

Oranges are not the only fruit experimentation

After drawing up my thumb nails I decided to have a play around with a few different ideas. I thought of creating a silhouette of someone so that it could be anyone that you want to imagine. I got the idea of carving it into an actual orange to see how it worked out. I tried it then photographed the orange with a few different lighting points to see how it looked.

I didn't like how this looked at all I just couldn't see how this would work on a book cover so I decided to forget this idea and try out another way of using a silhouette I tried out creating a digital one (I used my own head.) I think this actually looked okay but after I had created it I thought it looked familiar, then I remembered it was very, very similar to 'The Colour Purple' book cover and that book is the same genre as oranges are not the only fruit so I would definitely not be able to use this idea. Its okay though because I think that I can push this cover further and create something better anyway. Here I have inserted my designs and the design from 'The Colour Purple.'

After this experiment I've decided to go back to my thumbnails and have a re think of what I can do. I think there are a lot more options that I can try out.

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