Monday 12 January 2015

Module evaluation part 2: Oranges are not the only fruit

Alongside creating the carries war book cover I began to read and develop ideas for the book Oranges are not the only fruit. When I was reading this book not one single image stood out to me that would work well on a book cover because there were so many topics and themes covered in the book. The main themes are religion and lesbian love but alongside this there are a lot of stories and bible verses. Because no images came into my mind I started to sketch lots of different thumbnails out to see what came from it. This proved very beneficial as it helped me to decide what I liked the look of most. 

I started off by creating a silhouette style image using my own profile for the girl head. I then added the title of the book within the silhouette, I think the design was okay but nothing really special. After completing this cover I realised that this cover idea was very similar to the cover for ' The colour Purple,' another lesbian love story, I would not be able to use something so similar to something that already existed. I am glad this happened because it allowed me to think more and expend my ideas and designs.  I went back to my thumbnails and had a look through the other ideas that I had, I saw a sketch of a girl at the bottom of the page and the title above her head as if it was her thoughts. I really liked this idea but my next decision was to choose the style that I wanted to create the book cover in. At this point, I don't really know why but the Eleanor and Park book cover popped into my head and it gave me the idea to create a really modern book cover for a quite old dated story, a similar thing to what the Eleanor and Park book cover did. I thought that tis idea would attract a new more young audience to the book, a market that usually wouldn't even think to pick this book up. I thought it would be a good idea to refresh the book and bring it into this age. 

I then started on designs. As the brief specified a strong use of typography I decided to make this the focal point of the book I wanted to create a really nice quirky hand written title for the book. I’m not too great with digital fonts so I thought I would do what I know and just draw the letters. I kept it in quite a loose style so it looks as if someone could have doodled it down onto paper because there are a lot of notes that get written throughout the book and I feel as though this fits with the story. I also decided to have the books background as lined paper so it really looked like a note.  I am pleased with how the text turned out considering I don't think I'm that good at typography. I then drew the design for the girl at the bottom of the page, I wanted her to look sad because throughout the book that seems to be the feeling that she feels the most. I decided on a simple line drawing to keep the design clean, simple and modern. After scanning it in and putting it on Photoshop I decided to colour the hair and eyebrows with a light orange to reference to the title and the oranges from the story.  

I then added all of the digital text such as the author name and quote. I put the authors name in a band the same colour as the girl’s hair, I think this contained the name nicely and brought the image together and balanced it out so it was no longer bottom heavy. I continued the orange band onto the spine and the back page. I think this makes the back and front of the book work together as a cohesive piece. I decided to use my hand writing for the blurb so that again it looked like a note that someone had written. I think that it balanced out the use of digital and hand written text nicely making it look professional as opposed to a hand made DIY book cover. After adding all of the text to the back cover  I decided that it did feel a bit plain and it needed something extra. I decided to then add some doodle style motifs referencing themes in the book, I decided to keep them in the orange accent colour that I used throughout the design. 

Overall I am really pleased with how this book cover turned out because I think it looks really modern and quirky and I would probably pick it up if I saw it on a bookshelf. I also really like the illustration style, I would like to play around with this style a lot more in the future. I feel as though it is a real risk for me to enter this as a cover as it is so modern for a story set in the 60's but who knows it could really work as a re brand of the story and bring it into the modern day. I think that a cover like this would really attract a new audience to the book. If I was to re do this project I think that I would maybe spend a little bit more time making sure everything is tidied up and polished to an even higher standard But I am quite pleased with how professionally it has came out compared to previous projects. Personally I really think that I am improving with creating a more professional finish compared to last year, I think that I can keep up with this and be even more meticulous to create projects with the an even higher standard in the future.  

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