Tuesday 26 November 2013

Artist research: Jon Klassen

I was searching for illustrators work that i liked when i came across a book cover for 'The dark' (by Lemony Snicket.) It was illustrated by Jon Klassen and i loved the look of it so i looked at more of his work. I found his blog with lots of his illustrations on. I quickly found that he uses a limited colour palette usually focusing on more dark colours such as browns, blacks and grays. Although the colours are dark and mundane the things he draws still have a cute friendly look to them. Below is a few of my favorite images.

I wrote and illustrated this book, and it’s being published through Candlewick Press. It won’t come out until late September, but it’s up for preorder already. I’m excited about this one, guys.

House Held Up By Trees got nominated for a Governor General’s Award for children’s illustration! They announce the winners Nov. 13th. There are some great books on the list.
here is the page for the book on my site (it needs updating)

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