Monday 4 November 2013

Artist research: Zutto

Zutto Is a Russian based illustrator that creates her work digitally. Her work really caught my eye as it is so bright and colourful. A lot of her drawings look like jelly, she has a very unique style indeed. below are some of her illustrations that i like the most.

I think my favourite thing about the above image is the composition the image works really well within the shape of a circle. I also love the colours and unique smooth shapes that have been used to create the image. It is so cute and fun.

The image above looks a lot more sophisticated than the first image that i chose because the drawing and shapes used are more realistic. The colours that are used are more subtle and mature. I think the thing that i like most about it is the colours as they work so well together. I also really like the composition used as it brings the whole image together really nicley.  

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