Tuesday 12 November 2013

Digital manipulation: Second image

For my second digital image i decided to develop my first image and experiment with using textures and colours. I decided to execute the piece in a collage style as i thought it would work best for the look i wanted to achieve. I started off using the same image as my first piece as a guide. 

I first drew out the hair and headphones using the pen tool. once it had made a selection i took a texture that i had made earlier in the print room and pasted it into the selection, making a layer mask. I then edited the colour to make it fit the blue and brown colour scheme that i wanted to use. 

I liked how it was beginning to look so i used the same technique for the face and neck jumper and chair. 

To break up all of the textures i created the legs, feet and the legs of the chair using block colour. I decided to go with blue for the legs and brown for the feet. I created them the same way as the rest of the image, using the pen tool. 
I then added in the table and the background of the wall and floor to add a bit of depth to the image. I decided ot break the colour scheme for the wall and floor to draw more attention to the main focus of the image.
I had to put some posters on the wall infront of the girl so i made some silly little posters with funny characters on them. I decided to break away from the colour scheme on these images as well as i thought it would look better. 

Finally i decided to add a frame to the piece to finish it off. I decided that this would bring the image together more. 
Below is my second final image. 

I am really happy with how theis image turned out. I think if i was going to improve it the only thing that i would do differently is use less textures as it looks a bit texture heavy. Other than that i am happy with the piece.

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