Tuesday 12 November 2013

Digital manipulation: First image

I started off my digital manipulation project by scanning in an image that i had already sketched to use as a template. I decided to use this drawing of Emma sat at her desk because i liked the composition of it and I thought that it would look good if I improved it. I used my original drawing as a guide so i started off with the rough sketch.

I then began digitally drawing in the head and earphones using the wacom tablet. I decided to go with an all grey colour scheme as i had never really done this before and i wanted to try it out.  In the  pictures below i turned the guide image off so the lines are clearer to see.

I then continued to draw the body and chair  using different shades of grey.

I then drew in the table and blocked in the posters in the background. to create the shapes of the posters i used the square tool to create a perfect square i then just painted the squares the colours that i wanted them. 
Below is my first final image.

I am happy with how the image turned out but i think that it is a bit boring so for my next image i think i will develop this image using more colours and textures. 

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