Tuesday 23 September 2014

Agnes Obel- General Research

After deciding to create my work based off Agnes Obels album I decided to do some research into the singer to get more of a background and an idea about her and her music. I found a lot of useful information by just typing her name into google and seeing what came up, also the BBC music website that will helped me learn about her music career. This information will hopefully help me in the future with designing my illustrations. 

Agnes Obel is a Danish singer song writer that was born in Copenhagen. Her mother and father were very musical so she picked music up from an early age learning to play classical piano. She was very inspired by European folk tunes since a young age. Obel has also been inspired by many other influences from Edgar Allan Poe to Alfred Hitchcock. In an interview Obel commented that she 'likes Autumn the best.' This is interesting to me because when I first heard her music i thought of autumn leaves, I think her music gives off a very autumnal feel. 

Obel is a contemporary artist as she has only been on the music scene since 2009. Her first album entitled 'Philharmonics' was released in 2010 in Europe this album went on to a few different awards throughout the Scandinavian countries. Her second album 'Aventine' (the album that I will be creating artwork for) was released in 2013, the same year Obel played the I Tunes festival in London.   

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