Tuesday 23 September 2014

Agnes Obels current albums

I decided that as a starting point it would help me out if i looked at Agnes Obels existing album covers to get some idea of her current style and see how i could change and add my own style to it. One thing that I have noticed with her album covers is they all feature photographs of her face, this seems very typical for singers to feature a photo of themselves rather than bands which usually have artwork for their covers. Obel's newest album (the one I am illustrating for) features her profile with very ambient, creepy red lighting all the way around it. The cover doesn't even feature a name or any other writing so all focus is on her and the image, I feel as though these CD cases are very boring and lifeless. She also released a box set style package with her album release featuring the CD, Vinyl, a book of some sort and a few other things. 

I think I want to change the stereotype of featuring the artists face on the album cover and instead create an illustrated scene that includes aspects from the lyrics in her music and elements of the artists background and inspirations. What I want to create is very different to what the artist already has on her CD covers.

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