Thursday 25 September 2014


I conducted some research on the album name to find out the meaning of it, what i found out was very interesting. I Found out that Aventine is actually the name of one of the seven hills that Rome was built on. This Hill has a lot of Roman mythology linked to it this is the story that is linked to Aventine: 
The Aventine was a significant site in Roman mythology. In Virgil's Aeneid, a cave on the Aventine's rocky slope next the river is home to the monstrous Cacus, killed by Hercules for stealing Geryon's cattle. In Rome's founding myth, the divinely fathered twins Romulus and Remus hold a contest of augury, whose outcome determines the right to found, name and lead a new city, and to determine its site. In most versions of the story, Remus sets up his augural tent on the Aventine; Romulus sets his up on the Palatine. (i found the above story on wikipedia i tried to use the original sources but unfortunately none of the web pages were English so i am going to have to trust wikipedia just this once.) 

Aventine Hill
Im not sure yet if i will use this information to create my album cover concept but it is really interesting and gives me more to think about. 

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