Friday 26 September 2014

Editorial Research: Company Magazine

As we have been asked to create an editorial piece as well as the album cover I decided to do some research into editorial illustrations to get some ideas of what I can do in the future. When i thought about editorial illustrations immediately thought of company magazine as they often include illustrations and hand drawn typography with their articles. I really love the look of Company magazines as they are designed a lot nicer than a lot of other fashion magazines, they are more fin and interesting to look at. 

Looking at the illustrations throughout company magazines pages it is clear that they are often fashion and beauty related and they all have a similar aesthetic to them to fit in with the magazines look. An artist called 'Mydeadpony' creates a lot of editorial style illustrations that are very modern and use a mixed range of media. He created a piece for Company magazine that included a girl and around the girl was drawings of things that link to the article that the image would go with. I like the idea of using the little drawings around the girl because it gives you an insight into what the article is about rather than having to guess. I also really like the round composition of the image I think it works well and gives contrast to the blocky columns of text on the opposite page. I have included an image of this illustration as it would have been sent in to the magazine and also how it looks with the finished article. 

Company magazine also include illustrations to demonstrate different make-up looks on their beauty page. I really like this idea because it is unique compared to a photo that might be in a normal magazine, I haven't seen this kind of thing done in any other magazine before but I prefer it. Natalie Lines is an illustrator from Birmingham that creates fashion illustrations that are often found in magazines. She created a make up page for Company magazine where she drew eye make up looks based off different fashion designers styles. I really like how she has kept the drawings pencil and just added hints of colour where needed, I think this really balances out the drawings. I think my favourite thing about this illustration is the subtle colour in the pupils of the eyes. The composition fits perfectly with the text and it flows really well. I think I would like to create an image with the same composition idea of just illustrating a little corner of the article as I think it draws the eye in a really good way. I also have included images of the original illustration as well as the finished page. 

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