Monday 17 February 2014

Character development Humans: Girl

I decided to develop a girl character as i needed someone to throw the ice cream into the bin in my story. I had previously doodled a girl with a funky hairstyle and i really liked it so i decided to develop and refine this character. I wanted the girl to look a bit adventurous with her style and hair because, as she is in the land of left out, i wanted her to look different to the average person you might see walking down the street. Here are a few ideas that i sketched down for the outfit ideas that i had.

Here is the first rough sketch that i did of the girl character it is a bit funny looking because i think i drew it on  a moving bus. I liked the funky hairstyle it was inspired by Hayley Williams hair as she often has funky hair colours and crazy styles.

Here is a more refined drawing of the girl character, I drew it in fine liner to give it a neater look. I decided to give all of the humans in the story pink hair, all of the unicorns have yellow horns and accents so i thought it would be good to do something similar with the humans. 

I then decided to change a few things as the character looked a bit evil so i decided to make her chin smaller and her eyebrows less arched. I also decided to give her a watermelon print dress to make her outfit look a bit more unique. i  like the final look that she has and i think it will work well within my story. 

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