Monday 17 February 2014

Character development research Oliver Jeffers

As i continued doing character development i decided to do research into different illustrators book making/character development processes. Amy showed the class a video about Oliver Jefferes and his process today and i really enjoyed it so here is that video:

I then found another video featuring Oliver Jeffers but this video os more focused on his book making process. Here is this video:

These videos have inspired me to just draw more of my characters no matter how rough they are. No one will see them in the final book so it doesn't really matter what they look like. This sounds really silly but iv'e been scared of re drawing my characters recently. Ive been scared incase i draw them wrong or incase i draw them too much and start to hate them, but i need to just get on and do it, because in the end i know that it will help me out a lot more. 

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