Monday 17 February 2014

Unicorn Development

When i started to develop my unicorn i decided to draw lost of different head and face shapes until i got it right. I also experimented with a few different colours, I wanted to keep it simple so in the end i decided to stick with black outlines and yellow highlights. Here are the first few sketches that i did.

As i thought this was going to be the unicorn i was going to use i drew the unicorn with a few different expressions to see how it would work. I really like how the expressions turned out. 

I then after looking at the unicorn for a while decided that the horn needed to be changed. it needed to be angled more foreword pointing as it looked like it could have jut been a horse wearing a party hat. After doing a few horn tweaks and a bit or research into unicorns, i decided to just place the horn more central on the head use the top unicorn as my final one. I really like the body at the bottom of the page so this is the body shape that i am going to use for my unicorns and my pony. 

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