Tuesday 11 February 2014

character development research Neesha Hudson

I decided to do some research into artists that have done character development. I have wrote about this artist before but i was looking through some of her work recently and saw that she has done a lot of really nice character development. I love how she draws different variations of the character until the best one is achieved. This is what i intend to do with my characters. I also love how much you can tell from the character with how it is drawn. I hope to achieve this with my characters. I love the smooth pencily line quality to her drawings. Below are a few of my favourite  character development sheets of hers.

I love the drawings in the sketch book above they all have so much character and you can tell what the cat is like from the drawings. i hope to do this with my characters. 

I love all of the different options that there is for the same character i am going to apply this idea to my work and draw a lot of different ideas for my characters.

when i have decided on what my characters will look like i will create a sheet like the one above showing the characters from all different angles and showing different expressions.

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