Wednesday 26 February 2014

Visit from Drew Millward

On Tuesday the class had a visit from Drew Millward, an illustrator that usually creates images for band posters and album covers. It was really nice and refreshing because it was a really different style to all of the other illustrators that have came to visit us. His style is like a perfect mix of heavy metal art and sickeningly bright colours it sort of looked like someone went to Download music festival and threw up a rainbow (its great.)

After Drew had done a talk on his work and process we had a break and went for lunch (chicken chuesday.) We then all met back up in the studios and drew had a wonder round, looked at our work and chatted to a few of us. That was really good because its nice to get feed back and new ideas for your work from other people.

I really like his art work because it is so quirky and brightly coloured. i also really liked the fact that the content of his images could be quite creepy and gruesome, but because of the way they are coloured they look really happy and fun. Here are a few of his images that i particularly like.

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