Monday 17 November 2014

Artist research: Gail Armstrong

As I would like to create my penguin book cover for carries war using a paper cut and sculpt technique I decided to re visit this artist as I have researched her work before but not in much detail and she has created more work in the months since I have looked at it. 
Gail Armstrong creates beautiful illustrations made from folding, layering and sculpting paper into different shapes to describe things. I love her colour work but I especially think that her white paper work works even more. I was thinking of doing my book cover in coloured paper/ card but after looking at her white paper work I am considering trying out just white, but probably wont end up using white for the final piece. I think that the camera and lighting definitely make these images work because a lot of the time the only way that you can see the shape of the paper is because of the way the light is hitting it. There is a for me lot to consider and learn if I want to go ahead with this process and it will definitely take a lot of practice. These photos have watermarks but they were the best resolution that I could find. 
I also came across a video of the artist creating one of the pieces so iv'e included that as well.

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