Sunday 2 November 2014

Making my product

The first thing that I had to do to create my product for this project was screen print my leaf design onto the plain cotton material that I bought, once I had done that I was ready to begin making my cushion. Here are all of the materials that I used including the material that I screen printed. 

First I cut out all of my material (the back, the front and the wadding for the centre) into leaf shapes ready to sow together. Before I started sowing the cushion up though I pinned the wadding to the back of the printed material and sowed around the veins of the leaf to add a more textured quilted effect. 

After completing the quilting I sowed everything together including the pom pom fringing around the edge. At this point it was important for me to sow it up inside out to hide all of the seams to create a neat finish. I also had to leave a small gap so I could add the stuffing. Here is the cushion all sown up and inside out. 

The final few steps were to turn the cover back the correct way stuff it and sow up the open gap. Here is the completed cushion before and after stuffing it. 

Overall I am really pleased with how the cushion turned out because it looks really neat and unique, I also like the fact that the product is functional. I think that I would like to create material and make it into things in the future because I really making enjoyed this. I am not that good at screen printing and dread the thought of it a bit, but other than that I would definitely do something like this again. 

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