Wednesday 5 November 2014


In conclusion, when I first found out the subject of the brief I was worried because I couldn’t imagine my illustrations complying with many music styles but after considering all of the music choices from the list of options I began to see how my illustrations could work. Agnes Obel in particular stood out for me because of her calming but dark sound and her Scandinavian background. I decided to look into the stories of Scandinavian folk tales as Obel stated that they inspire her music. After reading a few of these tales one in particular, the story of Huldra, made me think of really strong imagery of a woman hiding in an enchanted forest with leaves protecting her . To fit in with this concept I decided to look at Scandinavian artists to get inspiration for my colour palettes. I began to find it hard with such a drastic change in colour use, as I had never attempted anything like this before plus at this point I was finding it difficult to work with the imagery that I was creating as it was a bit to light and happy to fit in with Agnes Obels music style. At this point I had to re evaluate what I was doing and go back and do more artist research into Scandinavian artists and illustrators that create darker work and that use colour palettes that I can relate to more. This helped me out a lot with my final image and after this research I had a clear idea and vision of the final image and the colours and I felt a lot more confident in what I was creating.  Overall I am really pleased with the final outcome of this module because I feel as though I created a well-rounded body of work that is finished to a high standard. I am very proud of the finish of my work because that is usually the area that I struggle with most but throughout this module I was a lot more prepared and determined to get a more professional finish to my work and it’s the first time that I feel like I have been able to present work that I am really proud of.  If I was to complete this module again I would have thought about the target audience a lot more in the beginning then I would have avoided having to re think my idea half way through and it would have saved a lot of time, although I am glad, in a way that this happened because it really helped me to push my ideas further to create a stronger image.  I think that I would have also done a lot more artist research to help me to refine my ideas further.

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