Sunday 2 November 2014

Editorial part 1

After doing some research into Editorial artwork, I decided that I liked the look of using line work for the whole image with splashes of colour as I feel like it makes an image look really interesting. I started off by drawing a few pictures of Agnes Obel, as I couldn't draw from life I had to draw from already existing photographs from the internet. I decided to go with a stylised drawing as realistic drawing isn't my strongest point. I then added fine liner over the top of the drawings to make a more bold definite outline. Then I scanned in the drawings that I had done, I originally did 2 drawings so I could decide which one I liked best after playing around with them on photoshop.  Here are the first drawn images before I scanned them in, for some reason I really messed up the right eye in the first drawing and didn't realise for ages but I drew a new one and fixed it together when I had scanned it all into photoshop.

I then fixed the eye and changed the levels to make the image look more crisp.

Then for the colour i decided to paint a rough rectangle of watercolour to be scanned in and used as my splash of colour, I decided the colour would work really well when used in the scarf as that is a very bold part of the image. I decided to leave the edges of the paint exposed as I think it adds an extra edgy look to the image. 
I Then decided that the image looked a bit boring and i wanted to have something happening in the background of the image, so to tie the editorial in with the Album cover that I designed I decided to use the leaves from that to create a pattern behind her head. 

I finally added some text because if it was in a magazine there would be a title for the article and I wanted to keep the same font that I used for the album cover because I feel as though it fit in really well with this style of drawing.  

Overall I am really happy with how this turned out as it looks like I imagined it. Although I am pleased with this image, I am still going to make another image from the other drawing that I did of Agnes Obel, so i can decide which editorial image that I like best. 

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