Saturday 1 November 2014

Frankie magazine

Frankie magazine is an aesthetically beautiful bi monthly magazine based in Australia. It is known for being incredibly feminine and pretty, The magazine covers lots of different artistic topics such as  photography, art, interior design and even real life stories. 

The magazine always includes lovely girly illustrations from all different illustrators throughout the world, the illustrations in the magazines vary in style but often have a slightly similar look and feel to them probably due to the delicate pastel, feminine colours and line work that are used a lot. I  love this look I think it works so well as the drawings fit in really nicely with everything else in the magazine. I don't think that this magazine has had an issue with an illustration that i don't like. Because of this, I hope to create an editorial piece that wouldn't look out of place within this magazine. Here are a few illustrations that i think work really well.

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