Tuesday 11 November 2014

Final Decision

I have finally decided to do the penguin and puffin brief for this module because penguin is a really big company to have this sort of opportunity with. The other option that I was contemplating was the traveling man brief to create a zine but I feel as though zines are something that I can continually work on and develop as a side project and then sell them or enter them into a shop to be sold with a small percentage taken off in the future if I wanted too.  I also feel as though because these competitions are only for students so I should utilise the opportunity whilst I still have it.

I have started reading one of the books from the list of books to chose from (Carries War) and I am almost finished reading it so after that I will make a mind map so I can think of all the ideas that I have and it will help me to think and narrow my ideas down to one concept. 

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