Wednesday 8 October 2014

Artist research: Arthur Rackam

I decided to do some research into Arthur Rackam because although my style of drawing does not reflect his, the theme of his drawings fits in very well with the whimsical, enchanted forest concept that i want to create for my album cover and poster. 

Arthur Rackam was an English book illustrator from the golden age of illustration. He was a member of the Royal watercolour society. He illustrated a lot books in his time these include: Alice in wonderland, the wind in the willows, peter pan and many more children's classics until his death in 1939. 
Rackam created very detailed images of magical looking scenes. His images often include fairies, forests and other creatures from fairy tales. He uses very fine lines that look as if they are made with pencil and quite dark subdued colours that make these images feel dark and creepy. Although it does not match my drawing style I think the detail he uses works very well as it makes these magical images seem a bit more real. I can imagine if I was a child looking at his illustrations I would be quite convinced that these illustrations could be real things that have happened.  
 I really love the feeling that he captures through the themes in his images. I will attempt to create the same magical feelings that he does through his images in my own. 
Here are a few of his forest images that will inspire own work. 

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