Tuesday 14 October 2014

Typography development

As I want to include the title of the album and the artist name on the front of the CD and poster I decided to look into different fonts to get an idea of what I think will work best for my design. I used a website called Da Font to look at different styles and I have picked a few out that i think will work well and a few that I hope to stay away from so that I definitely know what i like. The fonts that I like that will inspire my own typography that I will create for the CD and poster designs.  For the samples i used the word Aventine because thats the . 

The first font that caught my eye is called Mademoiselle Camille and I like how delicate and girly that it is, I think the swashes on the letter A add a really nice elegant feel to it. I think this font might be a bit overpowering for the imagery of my design but I can look at this font and take small elements for example the thin italic lines as inspiration. 

This is an example of a font that i don't think will work with my design, It is called 'Mf Be Yourself'. The reason I don't think this font would fit my design it because it is too bold and striking to fit in with the calm elegant image that I want to get across. I also don't really like how the letters look slightly childish, this style of font would work great for a primary school leaflet but not for the purpose that i want. 

Below is an example of a font that i think would work quite well with my design it is called 'Coalhand Luke.' I like it because it looks very hand written and it is easy to read. I also think the way the letters are quire round rather than sharp looks really nice as if the text naturally flows together. The main thing that I don't like about this font is that it doesn't have capital letters it just has a lower case letter but a bit bigger than usual. If I was to use this font to base my own off I would create real capital letters. 

I don't think that I would chose a font like the one below 'Signerica' because it is quite hard to read but I do really like the delicate line quality that it has to it. This style of font looks very hand written and personal and I think the feel that it gives is really pretty. If I could take influence from this font but make it a bit more clear to read i feel like it would be the perfect font to use. 

I will take inspiration and ideas from all of the fonts that i like and try to combine them in to a type face that will work perfectly with my design. my next step is to go ahead and create my own font and try it out with my cover design.  

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