Tuesday 21 October 2014

Market research

As we have to create a piece of merchandise for this project i decided to look at what Agnes Obel already sells to see the kind of things that she already sells to see if my work fits into the market. when looking at the merch in her online shop I noticed that it is all very dark and similar looking. The piece of march that i am creating is very different to the things in her online shop but i don't think that means that my design wont work. I think that the things in her shop are too similar and boring and they could probably do with a bit more variation. The merch on her website seems to be more focussed on the artist rather than anything else. i think the merch that i am creating will work because it matches the concept of the album cover and poster and i feel like it will be easily identifiable. 

Overall what i'm creating is very different to what previously exists i still think that it could work because the existing products seem a bit plane and could do with a bit more life and colour, also i have noticed there isn't a large range of items that you can buy. here is an image of the existing merchandise.    

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