Tuesday 21 October 2014

Research Marimekko

Marimekko is a design company based in Helsinki, Finland that creates all sorts of things from their beautiful pattern designs. They have a collection of artists that create patterns and they generally all follow a house style. I decided to look at this company because they use colour really well and thats where I am struggling a bit.

For my research I decided to look at the artist that made Marimekko famous so that my research is more focussed. Maija Isola mainly created very bold patterns using flowers in various different colours. She drew most of her inspiration from traditional folk art, Nature,  trips around the world and modern visual art. all of these themes are clearly seen throughout her art. I think her use of colour works so well to complement her art, I especially like the vibrant deep red colours that she often uses. I want to use reds and oranges throughout my work so looking at this art really inspires me and helps me understand colour a bit more.

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