Wednesday 29 October 2014

Final album cover design experimentation

I have decided on the final design of my album cover. I decided to change my mind slightly from the original sketches because when i started to assemble the final image it looked like the Fred Perry logo and it didn't look dark enough to fit Agnes Obels style of music. I decided, after doing some artist research, that to change the mood I had to darken the colours to more dark red, brown and orange tones and change the composition slightly to make it look a bit more sinister. I also added some shadows to make the image a but more moody.  and I removed the tail from the woman as I was struggling with it compositionally and colour wise. Here is my new basic design, I will keep experimenting with it a bit longer and will also experiment with text placement. Also I would like to note that the final image will look slightly different as it will hopefully be printed on brown recycled card. 

After finishing the final design i decided to experiment with the image to see what it would look like with a bit more going on. I created a few different marks and shapes and scanned them in to layer into the image. After doing this I decided that it worked better with the original design because it looked a bit too messy with all of the other things going on in the image. I also tried out the image using only one of the textures that I created but didn't really like that either. 

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