Tuesday 14 October 2014

Artist research: Sanna Annukka

Scandinavian illustration often has a very graphic design look to it, in the way that the shapes and colours make up the images. They are usually very bold with bright colours and often give a screen printed look. This can be clearly be seen in Sanna Annukka's work. Sanna Annukka was born in Brighton to a finish mother and spent a lot of her childhood in Finland she is inspired by the magical quality of this part of the world. She designs for the Finnish brand called Marimekko and creates her own silk screen prints. 

Her work is made up of different descriptive shapes that when put together create beautiful images. They are very bold and striking but if you look closer the image is made up of very detailed small patterns and lines. I am going to experiment and see if I can make my design a bit more simplistic so that it will work with this style of silk screen illustration. 

The thing I think works best in the image below is the leaf style patterns within the hills I think it is really effective and the pattern gives a more detailed look to the image. This will work really well within the leaves on my design.  

This illustrator also created products that are for sale on her website. She creates imaged then prints them onto wood shaped to fit the image. I think this looks really effective as the simplicity of the item works really well with the design printed onto it. 

her illustrations are used and printed onto many different products such as mugs, fabrics and other home wears her designs work really well against the white backgrounds of the products. I don't think my design will have a white background but its something to consider.

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