Tuesday 21 October 2014

First colour tests

I decided that I wanted to try out screen printing the design for my poster. Before I went to screen print my image I thought that I would test out some colours to see what would work out as I hadn't really tested out any colours previously  and because ive never tried out more scandinavian colours before I thought this would help me out a lot. I looked at the research that I had done and selected a few colours inspired from their work, I also looked at some colours on a website called colour lover to help me out with palettes. These are the first two tests that I have created.

The colours in the first design looks a lot more like the colours that the artists that i have been looking at use but when I looked at it I think it looked a bit too barby ish. I do like the colours but im not too sure if they work that well. for the second image i decided to go with a more peachy, orange, autumnal colour for the main leaf but I kept the centre colour the same because I quite like that colour. I think I like the second design more because the colours work better together. Now my next task is to create similar colours in real life when I attempt to screen print my design. I am going to experiment with the colour of paper that I use for my final poster, I have got white, grey and brown A2 paper so I can experiment and see what works best with my design. I also have to decide if I want to include the character from the album cover and if so what colour I would like the character to be. 


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