Tuesday 14 October 2014

Rough Album Designs

I have came up with a few different design ideas for my CD design, I just sat and sketched out a few different thumbnails to get more of an idea of what i think worked the best. Here are the drawings that I came up with. 

This is the first design, it is a more refined version of a thumbnail idea that I drew when I thought of my initial ideas. I think this design works well because the composition looks very calm and simple. This matches the vibe and sound of the music. I decided to use the music and the forest for my concept so I put leaves all around the character in the middle as if the leaves are from an enchanted forest and they are protecting her. The central character is curled up in a ball and looks quite innocent but then she also had a cow tail, this adds a bit more of a dark twist to the image. I think the imagery in this design fits the sound and feel of the music quite well. 

The second idea that I had for the CD design was to elaborate more on the central character and focus it more on her. I stuck with the layout of the first sketch as I think it works quite well. After I had drawn this I decided that I do like it but after some consideration I decided that it looks a bit childish. I think this design might work for another purpose for example a children's book or CD but maybe not so much for this album. For now I have decided not to take this design any further.   

For my Third design I thought it would be good to make it more clear what is happening within the image, in this design it is easier to see that the leaves are actually enchanted and are moving towards the character to protect her. I wasn't sure about the typography placement but if I decide to go with this design I will develop that further. After trying out this layout I really liked it because I feel like it makes the image look more interesting. Because I like this design and the first design I though why not make this into the poster design, I feel like if this was the poster then the CD and poster would work really wall together because you might look at the album and wonder what is going on then when you see the poster it sort of adds another element to the story and it tells more of what is happening in the image. 

I will now start to develop the final CD image and develop it further. I will also plan my poster design based off the third CD idea that i had. 

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